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We are determined that all children at Hazelbury will learn to read regardless of their background, needs or abilities ensuring everyone makes good progress from their starting points, giving them the necessary skills for the next stages of their education. 

Hazelbury’s reading curriculum develops both word reading as well as understanding and promotes a love of reading. Children are exposed to a range of stories, poems, rhymes and non-fiction and these are chosen to develop pupils’ vocabulary and language comprehension. Pupils are familiar with and enjoy listening to a diverse range of stories and poems.



Children take part in daily reading sessions, Phonics in EYFS and KS1 and Reading Detectives in KS2. 

  • We follow Monster Phonics and this begins in our Nursery.
  • Reading Detectives is a comprehension based programme designed by Hazelbury which uses MIDAS strategies to develop the children’s understanding.
  • Children in KS2 who need further support with reading are given intervention sessions using Monster Phonics. 
  • Our Reading Spine promotes a love of reading and children are able to vote on the books they wish to read as a class. Class teachers read to the children every day. 
  • Children have the opportunity to read with an adult weekly in KS1 and take home a reading book matched to the grapheme-phoneme correspondence they know. KS2 read independently whereby they share what they have read with their class to promote enthusiasm for books. 



Our children will have a lifelong love of reading. They will engage in a wide range of reading experiences in all areas of the curriculum and be equipped with the essential reading skills to become well rounded citizens. 



  • Children in KS1 and KS2 have a termly visit to our local library where they have the opportunity to choose a book to bring back to school with them.
  • The EYFS have their own Early Years library in school which parents are invited into with their children at the beginning and end of the school day. 
  • We have recently opened a new library for KS1 and 2 which parents will also be invited to come and enjoy.
  • Our outdoor reading areas encourage the children to enjoy a book during their play and lunchtimes as well. 
  • We have various author visits throughout the year and trips/visitors to encourage a love for reading.